Saturday, 26 December 2015

Penniless Celebration of Festivals

On many occasion I have made statement that I am socialist by heart and not by ideology. Before I come to understand any ideology and operating philosophy behind that I acted like a socialist. Religiously I followed my conviction to stand by the weaker one in any walk of life. Whatever the situation I always made people to listen each other and come out a path for reconciliation.

My childhood days had passed in my own small village named Latraha. This village was divided into two clear cut landscape. After giving a glance on my village, one can easily decipher that half of my village produces a picture of prosperity while other half produces dismal condition. Suri (a local name for Bania caste) was the dominant caste of my village as they were Zamindars during British era and have build palace type home in the village, which formed that properous cluster of my village. Carpenters were numerically dominant caste and almost all of them were daily wage earners. As my mother tells, even my uncle who was a daily wage earner have to go without food sometime. My father being a government employee helped him to come out from this situation. Along with carpenters, other so called lower castes formed other part of the village. The other part has small homes made of mud walls and roofs covered with Khapda. I also spent my earlier five to six years in such rooms with my uncle. Later a big home was build by my father among these small homes. Peculiarly even poor members of Suri-teli caste were part of this poor cluster and have friends among these so called lower castes. My father got friends from other part. Though he was only tenth passed, yet he was considered the wisest in the village. Being a brilliant students I got good friends from other side and already have cousins in in my own side. I still have good memories of those days which I spent with them. Lalbabu, Atmaram, Balram and Pappu were close cousin friend. Dilip, Pappu-2, Vasant, Susheel are some other friends. We played all kind of games including goli and gulli danda together. After fight we also used all kind of abuses of low standard. But still were friend. We together celebrates festivals like Diwali, Holi, Chhat and Durgapuja.
Those days were really peculiar. We used to celebrate festivals without spending any penny but with full enjoyment. On every Dipawali, my all brother and sister were given Rs. 5. My sister used to save those money following my father's teaching of not use crackers for saving environment. My brother used to get more money by insisting and if needed creating scene at home and used to buy big crackers. He always sensed what were the best in the market. I always took different path. I found non of friends having any Penni. So I used to by small crackers and used to distribute among them and enjoyed together. Adding to this we used to make gola of clothes and used to keep this in kerosene oil, again only I have to take this from my home which we used to burn and rotate like a chakra. This way we all actively participated and enjoyed.
Durgapuja were also a big event for us as we always enjoyed going Jalley to participate in Mela. Again non of my friends get any penny. My sister used to buy useful and durable things while my brother spends money for watching movie and other big stuff while I used to buy moodhi, bhuja etc voluminous things to share with my friends and do small but beautiful things.
Another big things was watching movies on every Saturday, and Mahabharata Serial. My brother always got different venue to watch movies. He even goes alone as he was not denied by any villagers because of father status. All friends used to come to me and I always all of them watch together. This used to happen because of my father status and my own charm as I used to get love by elders and in most of cases children of that home used to like me. On many occasions I put condition if you will not allow my friends, I also will not come to your home and fortunately they always welcomed me with my friends.
Anyway all of my brother and sister are complementary to each other. My brother had got wonderful mind who always new things for us.
So I believe in marriage of capitalism and socialism. 

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Teaching's Of Gandhiji

How does Gandhiji conceptualize God?

God is an Impersonal force and benevolent governor of the world. God is present in every human soul. The ultimate goal of a man is to realize the vision of God. Gandhiji further says that realization of God is impossible unless one follows the path of truth, love, non-violence and service to humanity. Gandhiji regards God as truth, love, fearlessness, and the source of light and life. He says that God and his law are the same. God is also Truth-Knowledge-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda).

What are ethical conducts according to Gandhiji?

Men should at most emulate divine attributes in their conduct. According to Gandhiji virtue of truth, love, non-violence, tolerance, fearlessness, charity and service to mankind are divine attributes and one should follow this path with one’s all strength irrespective of personal consequences. He says truth is itself God and so love is. One can love when follows the path of non-violence. One may say that is love is also non-violence.

Purity of Heart

Gandhiji identified God with virtue. He says that man should by pure in heart. Gandhiji insisted on cleanliness even in its physical manifestations. According to him Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Further he advocated for self-purification which is part of the personal morality derived from religion.

End and Means

There are many views in this regard. Many says that for attaining Noble goal, one may go for wrong means. Machaivelli argues that bad means can be used to achieve good ends. But there are many who counter this argument and say by giving examples of human experiences that in the name of pursuing noble ends, untold misery and suffering have been inflicted on innocent men and women. Gandhiji says that means have to be pure. His view follows ipso facto from his conception of Gad as the embodiment of virtues. Even for attaining noble objectives, men have to only adopt good means. "The path to hell is paved with good intentions."

Conception of Truth

It is ideal of human conduct. This idea of Gandhiji has genesis in his lofty discussion of religion, theology and metaphysics. In this regard Tolstoy says, "The heroine of my writing is she, whom I love with all the force of being. She who always was, is and will be beautiful is truth."

Human Nature

The world is such that men can realize their moral ideas. Man has a divine spark in him. As a spiritual being, he can't follow the mores of animal life or its ruthless struggles. Violence and self-assertion are alien to him. Rather he is benevolent with a desire to help others. The will to power, the desire to subjugate and crush others are not a part of human nature. Human is gentle, huble, kind, generous, loving and considerate. Gandhiji believes in the philosophy of Rousseau and David Hume who regard man as inherently good and benevolent. Gandhiji also believed that men are reasonable, willing to see the viewpoints of others, and partly accommodate them through rational discussion.


Gandhiji is also identified with Ahimsa. Ahimsa is refraining from killing and injuring others. One should harm anyone by thought, word and deed. Further violence has to be shunned in all its aspects. One should show overflowing love to mankind and all living beings.It is closely linked to truth and to man's search of God. He prescribes prerequisites for pursuit of Ahimsa:
1. Truthfullness and fearlessness (doctrine of Satyagrah) 2. Complete self-purification. One should have faith in the existence of soul which is distinct from body. Ahimsa is also described as "soul force", "power of Atma", "power of love and utter selflessness".Selflessness in turn signifies total indifference body. 3. Anger and hatred are the opposite poles of Ahimsa ("Love thy Enemy")4. Non-violence is not for a creed of inaction. Nor it is for the weak or the timid. It is better to violent than to be cowardly. 4. Ahimsa requires humility for it relies solely on God.
Further he says that Ahimsa comprises truthfullness, selflessness, absence of anger, pride and hate, benevolence, altruism, courage, magnanimity, humility and total submission to God.
Gandhiji describes the desired attributes of a Satyagrahi:
Humility, Silence, Renunciation, Self Sacrifice, Thought Control, Non-Violence, Universal Benevolence and Non use of drinks and drugs
Seven Social Sins
1. Politics without principles
2. Wealth without work
3. Commerce without morality
4. Education without character
5. Science without Humanity
6. Worship without sacrifice
7. Pleasure without conscience
Religious Tolerance
God is unfathomable and unknowable and reigns above us all. God reveals himself in many ways all the time and evokes human religious sentiments. Non-violence is a central theme of all religions. All religions are prone to errors and imperfections. All religion are continually evolving towards realization of higher truth. He propounded the idea of spiritual brotherhood. 

Gandhiji's Economic Idea

Gandhiji says that everyone should earn his bread with his own hands or through manual labour (bread labour). It is impossible for a few to amass wealth without exploiting the rest. Wealth should be shared equitably. He propounded the Doctrine of Trusteeship and told riches to spend their surplus money on social work. 

Unlike Gandhiji, Marx advocates communist revolution through violent overthrow of the capitalist state. Gandhiji favours class harmony, non-violence and voluntary sharing of wealth by the rich. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015


Dashrath Manjhi was a real man who dares to carve a road through a 360 feet long, 30 feet wide and 25 feet high mountain singlehandedly. He sustained his effort for 22 years for realization of his will, which shortened travel between the Atri and Wazirganj blocks of Gaya from 55 Km to 15 Km (wiki). Love for her wife translated into social concern for all other residents of his village gave will to take this task which made him a “mountain man”. “Do not wait for God. Take charge yourself and start working hard. Who knows God himself is waiting for you.”-Manjhi gave message to the world.

Dashrath Manjhi was born in a poor untouchable caste of Bihar probably Musahar caste in year 1934. Exact date of birth may not be available, as even today labourers/backward people seldom care for recording birthday of their children. Dashrath Manjhi belonged to Gehlaur village, near Gaya in Bihar. At very young age he ran away from his home and reached Dhanbad. There he got opportunity to work in coal mines. That has broadened his mind. There he realized that though the task is tough, they are given wages in cash. More wages may be earned by doing more work. By this way a person may earn good livelihood and respect in the society. After eight (approx. from movie) years, he returned from home, as different person with different personality in shirt pants. For his community he was like a babu. Unknowing he fall in love with a women, who happened his own wife married to him in childhood. Because of his poor family condition, Phalguni’s father was marrying her somewhere else, but he took charge and fled her from her home amid the resistance of relatives’ of her and married. Both started living happily. (Source:  Manjhi) At some point he was also beaten by upper caste people for touching them in response to Government declaration for ending untouchability. There were incidences where upper caste people used to molest this poor woman, but due to fear they didn’t fight back. Though he faced such problems personally, he never supported naxal movement and believed by doing hard work of carving out path from mountain, he would be able to change the heart of his villagers making a more lovable and dignified society. 

Villagers has to cross mountain for work purposes. While crossing the mountain, her wife as being pregnant fatigued and slipped from the mountain and died. This sparked the mind of Manjhi and resolved to make way through the mountain so the rest of people will not have to face such difficulty.

When I started hammering the hill, people called me a lunatic but that steeled my resolve.”-Manjhi
He completed the work in 22 years (1960–1982). This road reduced the distance between the Atri and Wazirganj sectors of the Gaya district from 80 km to 10 km. Though mocked for his efforts, he has made life easier for people of Gehlour village. Although he had cut a protected mountain, which is an offence under Indian wildlife protection act, his exemplary determination remains an inspiration.[2][8] Later, Manjhi said, “Though most villagers taunted me at first, there were quite a few who lent me support later by giving me food and helping me buy my tools.(wiki)

Manjhi, in true sense, symbolizes the power of a common man and deserve to be the icon of Navodaya Mission. He taught us it is the power of love which will make our society a better place to leave. He in true sense symbolizes the concept of reconciliation between two opposite groups in the end as thought by Gandhiji. 
The road should be celebrated as symbol of love. Like Shahjahan, he spent 22 years for making road in name of his wife on his own.