Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Alok Sagar

Taught RBI's Governor Raghuram Rajan. Resigned for bringing change at ground level. Betul district. Environmentalist (planted 50000 trees). BTECH+MTECH from IIT Delhi. PhD from Housten University, Texas.

क्या है आलोक सागर की कमाई
आलोक सागर के पास कुल कमाई में तीन कुर्ता और एक साइकिल की विरासत है. आलोक का दिन बीजों को जमा करने और आदिवासियों के बीच उसे बांटने में बीतता है. आलोक सागर श्रमिक आदिवासी संगठन से जुड़े हैं और इनके विकास के लिए लगातार काम करते रहते हैं. यही नहीं आलोक को कई आदिवासी भाषाएं जानते हैं और बोलते हैं. 
(source: http://www.inkhabar.com/other/24155-ex-iit-delhi-professor-lives-tribals-and-work-them)
1990 से बैतूल जिले के एक ही छोटे से आदिवासी गांव कोचामाऊ में रह रहे हैं. वो अपनी इस शैक्षणिक योग्यताको छिपाए, जंगल को हर-भरा करने के अपने मिशन में लगे हैं क्योंकि वो अपनी उच्‍च शिक्षा उस आधार पर औरों से अलग नहीं खड़े होना चाहते थे.
उनका जीवन आज लोगों के लिए प्रेरणा बन गया है. उनके पास पहनने के लिए बस तीन कुर्ते हैं और एक साइकिल. उन्‍हें कई भाषाएं बोलनी आती है लेकिन न सबके बावजूद वे बस इन पिछड़े इलाकों में शिक्षा का प्रसार करने में लगे हैं.
एक हिंदी वेबसाइट में छपी खबर के अनुसार आलोक सागर के छोटे भाई आज भी आईआईटी में प्रोफेसर हैं. उनकी मां मिरंडा हाउस में फिजिक्स की प्रोफेसर थीं और पिता इंडियन रेवेन्यू सर्विस में अधिकारी.

(source: http://aajtak.intoday.in/education/story/iit-professor-alok-sagar-who-once-taught-raghuram-rajan-is-now-working-for-tribals-1-887450.html)

Alok Sagar, a resident of New Delhi, did his bachelor in electrical engineering from the prestigious IIT Delhi and got his masters degree from the institute in 1973. He went on to complete his PhD at Houston University in Texas, US, before returning to India to become a professor at his alma mater.
However, it later dawned on him that he would be able to better contribute to the growth of the country and its people by working on the ground. So, in 1982, Sagar resigned as professor and began working with the tribals in Betul and Hoshangabad districts, helping save the environment — one tree at a time.
(source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/bhopal/mp-this-iit-prof-quit-job-to-work-for-downtrodden-tribals/story-CFUa47OhFyCYHTAZdmaVYM.html)

लेकिन, वहां मौजूद मीडिया के साथियों के आग्रह पर आखिर आलोक सागर ने अपनी शैक्षणिक योग्यता 32 साल में पहली बार बताई: उन्होंने 1973 में आई. आई. टी. दिल्ली से एम टेक किया,1977 में हयूस्टन यूनिवर्सिटी, टेक्सास, अमेरिका से शोध डिग्री ली, फिर टेक्सास यूनिवर्सिटी से डेंटल ब्रांच में पोस्ट डॉक्टरेट और समाजशास्त्र विभाग, डलहोजी यूनिवर्सिटी, कनाडा में फेलोशिप की। उन्होंने 1982 में दिल्ली आई आई टी में प्रोफेसर की नौकरी से त्याग पत्र दे दिया, वो वहां रिजर्व बैंक के गवर्नर रघुराम राजन के शिक्षक रहे।
(source: https://wikileaks4india.com/news/rbi-governors-teacher-alok-sagar-gets-threat-by-mp-police-2420)

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Temple of Cleanliness at Sirsoti

Irrespective of understanding the need of villagers and providing solution on priority basis, things are being developed just for namesake. Most of the time CSR activities of PSUs are being propelled by the popular vision of Gov. and such things are being executed with pomp and show. No one asks what actually they want. As Sirsoti is tribal majority village with widespread poverty and illiteracy as well (only 55% literacy rate), education should have been given the most priority. As 5-8 family members are living in small one or two rooms cottage, children seldom find peace at home for self-study. There are urgent requirement for study-cum-library at different locations of village for girls and boys separately.  

As this village is very backward and small bricks-homes are being now built and some shops are there, there is no requirement of community toilet at this point of time. Again there is school in front of this community which also have some toilets built for girls and boys, which might have used by visitors. Anyway the toilet remains unused. This is also one of the best, well designed structure in this particular village.
During my college days, members of GRA at IIT Bombay used to share story of toilet built by a minister in a village. Once a minister landed from flight at random in a village, early in the morning. There he found some people walking with lota (container for water). Amazingly he asked about this and he was revealed that those people were going for morning relieve. Thinking of such a pathetic scenario, he immediately facilitated building of toilets for each home. After one year, he once again came in the village and saw the same scene of people going for morning relieve in the open. Angered he remarked these foolish people are accustomed to live like this. Then some villagers told him there is dearth of water in the village and these toilets require lots of water for remaining cleaned. During rainy season, their cattle find no place to hide and hence they are using these toilets are being used as cattle room.
Such thing was not expected from Modi Government. Anyway janandolan for cleanliness led our honorable PM gave way to erection of this temple of cleanliness in the village. Hope in future may be five to ten years down the line these structure will have utility for the village. This village also lacks enough water for irrigation.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Labourers and CSR

White collars' community remain mum over the violation of laws in industries with respect to contract labourers. Management knows this philosophy of surplus given by Adam Smith and Karl Marx well and if these laws were implemented many contract workers have to be hired permanently reducing the overall profitability of the company which will reciprocate upon white collars' wages. Maintaining silence and overruling the laws is considered as maintaining discipline in industries as it is believed that there is nothing white, nor black but everything is grey. It is also true to some extent as laws is made by keeping ideal situations in mind and it leaves practical aspect on the decision of executives. 

But where is the problem? The same laws, policy comes in picture when the question of giving some facility to these poor labourers arises and management happily barred these facilities giving sweeping statements. Amid such situations, laws like right to information, right to education etc. becomes important for the sake of public cause. Management are happy to compensate by funding crores of rupees to the schools for shortfalls (means schools are unable to attract children to fill the minimum described seats in each section). It simply implies paying fees for empty seats. But management is reluctant to fill these seats by giving opportunities to bright children of its labour community and the poor people in its neighbourhood. This may also be counted as CSR without spending a single penny.

Education and Health should be the prime CSR activities of any industry. There is not much merit in investing money for generating employment as wage labourers as its CSR activities when it is already giving job to thousand of labourers as its core activities. There is need of extending quality education and health facilities to their labour community as they are not getting wages to get all these facilities.

A long way to go ahead for changing the mindset of management who believe that spending on education on labour will create problem in future for labour supply. They should believe that development of country will happen only when all its people will be well off which will lead to peace and security.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Parivaar: Vinayak Lohani

Vinayak Lohani, the Founder of Parivaar, did B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (2000) and MBA from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (2003). He did not appear for the placement process at IIM, and immediately after his MBA, started Parivaar. The normal career-path of a mainstream corporate career following degrees from two of the most prestigious institutes in India ensures a highly lucrative future, but Vinayak Lohani sacrificed this to work at the grassroots level.
He was inspired by the spiritual and humanistic ideals of Swami Vivekananda, and with just 3 children in a small rented building with almost no financial resources, Vinayak started Parivaar. As on March 2016, Parivaar’s Residential Institution has 1337 resident children and is considered to be a model institution for caretaking and overall development of children from destitute backgrounds in a residential setting. It is also the largest free residential institution for children from impoverished backgrounds in whole of West Bengal. Parivaar is slated to reach a capacity of 2000 residential children by 2018 and in next 10 years aims to become India’s largest residential institution for children from impoverished backgrounds.

On Vinayak and Parivaar, many academic case-studies have been authored dealing with grassroots Social Entrepreneurship and Organization-building. These cases have been taught and discussed at various B-Schools in India. Best-selling author Rashmi Bansal’s book ‘I have a Dream’ has an entire chapter on Vinayak Lohani and the initial phase of Parivaar.

Source: http://parivaar.org/about/the-founder/

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Holistic Industrial Ecology

Rihand Township has been laid out in patriotic outlook. All its gates, roads, places etc were either named on behalf freedom fighters or on the name of mountains giving an image of India. In year 2010, I was invited by Malaviya Mision, an NGO as guest lecturer. Dr. Dinesh Dinkar, a Hindi teacher of DAV, Rihand was anchoring. He himself title as Rashtrakavi. Metaphorically he described Rihand Township as if it is a small Bharat with prosperity and luxury. In my speech, I radically attacked on his idea and suggested to include people living outside the Rihand Township Boundary to complete the picture of India with inclusion grim poverty. At that time I suggested there is need of an holistic industrial ecology where labourers and people living just out side the boundary should have opportunity to come along with managerial class of the Industry. In stead of maintaining a gradient by raising boundary (whose height depends upon on the level of economic inequality existing between outside and inside the boundary), there should be a well-carved out CSR plan for developing a continuous slope of this inequality. Children of Managers and Majdoor should be given equal opportunity as well as equal platform for moving ahead in the life. 

After year long effort of Navodaya Mission and continuous advocacy for this cause, finally the time has come when children of managers and majdoors shared the same dias, performed programs together and have a photo click together. Some bright children of labourers were also given chance to study in campous school free of cost and admission of a few more students are consideration. This is really a moment of rejoice for acceptance of this idea.  

Monday, 6 June 2016

Navodaya ICON: Raja Ram Mohan Roy (22 May)

Raja Ram Mohan Roy (22 May, 1772 - 27 September, 1833) is remembered as "The Father of the Indian Renaissance" for his effort to protect Hinduism and Indian rights. He is remembered for being instrumental to abolish the practice of Sati, the Hindu funeral practice in which the widow was compelled to sacrifice herself i8n her husband's funeral pyre. By founding Brahmo Samaj, a socio-religious reform movement against the evils of Hinduism and Multi-Theism. His activities had effects on public administration, education as well as religion. He also protested against the East India Company's decision to support vernacular education and insisted that English should replace Sanskrit and Persian in India. It was he who first introduced the word "Hinduism" into the English language in 1816. 

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Navodaya Vichar: How to treat your Servants

A master should look after his servants in following five ways:
  •        By assigning them work according to their strength
  •        By supplying them with food and wages
  •         By tendering them in sickness
  •           By sharing delicacies with them
  •          By granting leave at times
(The Buddha suggested above things to masters of his days. It is still relevant and may be taken as guiding principle by industries and employers.)
The fate of employers and employees should swing together. One should not extract exorbitant profits at the cost of welfare of workers pushing them towards penury. 

Thursday, 12 May 2016


The history of India and the world as well reveals innumerable personalities who by their sincere persistent selfless efforts along with personal sacrifices brought tremendous changes in the lives of millions and set great examples for millions of their fellow human beings  and also to new generations to lead a quality life. For a man or for an organization, it is not possible to recite all those great men, yet there is need of remembering some of them regularly which will embolden our belief for bringing positive social change and become light for them amid darkness to move ahead. We will remember following great personalities who have also great effects on the making of modern India.


Subhash Chandra Bose
23 January

Courage, Valour, Boldness

Rani Gaidinliu
26 January
Freedom Fighter, Nationalism

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
6 Feb

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
14 April
Education for Empowerment

Raja Ram Mohan Roy
22 May
Social Reform

Mahatma Gandhi
2 October
Satya, Ahimsa, Prem

Jay Prakash Narayan
11 October

Dr. A.P.J. Abdulkalam 
15 October
Missile Man/Visionary

Baba Amte
26 December
Selfless service

Friday, 6 May 2016

Slice of Life

Surrounded by the luxurious,
Ample affluents of class
Inside in the edge a small Ones,
Malnutrition, unemployed, illiterate and ill-fated,
Masses lives but always ill at ease,

Bread Without butter Rice without pulse
Veggie Slightly seen.
Milk never desire to drink,
Discarded items daily delighted,
But that are needed for the nerves
For melting muscles Sunken eyes
Several an hours stopped Stomach,
Forces to serve.

Tattered apparles dirt full of unseen germs
Cracked Swollen feet inside the plastic sheets,
Mist of black blanket covered undesire soul
The little Ones no one to hold,
Life may be gold.
When they try to behold
But it stretch continuous,
inside the deeper hole
We behold, they always behold,
But no eyes goes On poor soul.

Anemic tender faces wants light,
But in tender hands,
broom and water pipe common sight,
For blooming of greenish odours,
Who care for dull roots hands
Which yet not know,
Where fate stand?
Their fate of future drying up,
The hands which have to books and bags
But why they care of that.
The body full of fats,
In gloom linear leg,
Wash their path, that looks always
Fresh, not a single part of mess.
What is snacks and what is meal?
For them the slice make them to survive,
Are they always born for slave
Older, younger tender age.

Why we not stop the tender hand
That their life don't become the sand.
Planting and watering their future
Bring the beauty by
Nurturing these tenders behold
them and think for a while,
Why we not save their life.
From deeper ditch inside
And bring smile
          and bring smile.

--- Composed by Richa Smriti (Navodaya Mission) (Source:http://widerwings.blogspot.in/)

Thursday, 5 May 2016

MP Fulzele

Caste, Politics and Development

To devour ideas over these topics requires immense scholarship works, but some time our hearts also provides enough hints for directing our views and prompts to study available material on these ideas. Whenever I shall get time, I would like to delve in this topic.

As soon as election is declared either in Bihar or in UP, every one starts talking about need of development and casteism as the great blockade for achieving these goals. People are making wild guess that here people specially villagers are not voting for development for just voting on their caste line. 

While discussing with my friend, today I realized that though people are voting on caste line, they are still voting for development. One have to understand the fact that development for whom? Development for those who are talking about this or development for the voter themselves. Democracy gives strength to every one to caste vote not for the development of others, but for the development for themselves. Everyone makes some calculation keeping in mind their own security, benefits, interest and then only caste votes. As our societies has been divided on caste line and their economic condition has also been largely decided by their caste, they believe that their development lies in the development of the members of their own caste. 

Lack of Communication: As people generally communicate among their own groups (mostly members of their own caste), they new very well that if some benefit will come, then that will come only through this channel. Endogamy is the characteristic of caste has almost made communication between different caste impossible. Schools, colleges, religious affairs and other group activities have started offering doors for developing inter-caste communication and relations. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Edicts of Ashok

Adoption of "Piety" (using the Greek term Eusebeia for Dharma);
"Ten years (of reign) having been completed, King Piodasses (one of the titles of Ashoka: Piyadassi or Priyadarsi, "He who is the beloved of the Gods and who regards everyone amaiably") made know (the doctrine of) Piety (Greek: Eusebeia)to men; and from this moment he has made men more pious, and everything thrives throughout the whole world. And the king abstains from (Killing) living beings, and other men and those who (are) huntsmen and fishermen of the king have desisted from hunting. And if some (were) intemperate, they have ceased from their intemperance as was in their power; and obedient to their father and mother and to the elders, in opposition to the past also in the future, by so acting on every occasion, they will live better and more happily. (Edicts in Afghanistan in Greek)

Right Behaviour
"Dharma is good, but what constitutes Dharma? (It includes) little evil, much good, kindness, generosity, truthfulness and purity." Pilar Edict Nb2 (S. Dhammika)
"And noble deeds of Dharma and the practice of Dharma consist of having kindness, generosity, truthfulness, purity, gentleness and goodness increase among the people." Rock Pilar Nb7.

Kindness to Prisoners
"It is my desire that there should be uniformity in law and uniformity in sentencing. I even go this far, to grant a three-day stay for those in prison who have been tried and sentenced to death. During this time their relatives can make appeals to have the prisoners' lives spared. If there is none to appeal on their behalf, the prisoners can give gifts in order to make merit for the next world, or observe fasts." Pilar Edict Nb4
"In the twenty-six years since my coronation prisoners have been given amnesty on twenty five occasions. " Pilar Edict Nb5

Respect for animal life
"Twenty-six years after my coronation various animals were declared to be protected- parrots, mainas, aruna, ruddy geese, wild ducks, nandimukhas, gelatas, bats, queen ants, terrapins, boneless fish, vedareyaka, gangapuputakla, fish, tortoises, porcupines, squirrels, deer, bulls, okapinda, wild asses, wild pigeons, domestic pigeons and all four-footed creatures that neither useful nor edible. Those nanny goats, ewes and sows which are with young or giving milk to their young are protected, and so are young ones less than six months old. Cocks are not to be caponized, husks hiding living beings are not to be burnt and forests are not to be burnt either without reason or to kill creatures. One animal is not to be fed to another." Edict on fifth Pillar

Religious Exchange
"All religions should reside everywhere, for all of them desire self-control and purity of heart." Rock Edict Nb7
"Here (in my domain) no living beings are to be slaughtered or offered in sacrifice." Rock Edict Nb1
"Contact (between religions) is good. One should listen to and respect the doctrines professed by other. Beloved-of-the-Gods, Kind Piyadasi (Ashoka), desires that all should be well-learned in the good doctrines of other religions." Rock Edict Nb12

Roadside Facilities
"Along roads I have had banyan trees planted so that they can give shade to animals and men, and I have had mango groves planted. At intervals of eight krosas, I have had wells dug, rest-houses built, and in various places, I have had watering-places made for the use of animals and men. But these are but minor achievements. Such things to make the people happy have been done by former kings. I have done these things for this purpose, that the people might practice the Dhamma." Pillar Edict Nb7

Officers of the faith
"In past there were no Dhamma Mahamatras but such officers were ppointed by me thirteen years after my coronation. Now they work among all religions for the establishment of Dhamma, for the promotion of Dhamma, and for the welfare and happiness of all who are devoted to Dhamma. They work among the Greeks, the Kambojas, the Gandharas, the Rastrikas, the Pitinikas and other peoples on the western borders. They work among soldiers, chiefs, Brahmans, householdrers, the poor, the aged and those dovoted to Dhamma - for their welfare and happiness- from harassment." Rock Edict Nb5
(Source: Wiki)

Navodaya Vichar: Friend

"A friend is one to whom one may pour out the content of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hand will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away."- George Eliot (Nineteenth Century)


Philosophy of Ambedkar.
Why is he becoming so popular in the contemporary world?

Friday, 11 March 2016

Navodaya Guru

A coach, trainer, mentor, teacher, friend and Guru. Navodaya Guru guides people to achieve excellence to succeed both in mundane as well as spiritual world.

Children of government schools and medium range public schools specially in rural areas comes from poor background. Most of them belong to lower class having no academic background. Many of them have never got chance to see or meet engineers, doctors, high professionals etc. They lack basic awareness about to whom they should approach for the solution of problems they are facing on daily basis. They are least aware about government social schemes and lack proper way to get the benefit of these schemes. Secondly they also lack conducive culture at home for living a happy life. They never got chance to understand the real meaning of spirituality and hence they are made to sink in darkness by fake religious leaders.

Professionals, knowledgable persons, thoughtful farmers, workers and labourers, motivated teachers, motivated government officers and enlightened personalities could play the role of Navodaya Guru. They should visit schools, interact with teachers, students and others and charge them with positive thoughts. Deliver lecture of short duration on the topic of his interest and make teachers or respected villagers put their views and make students to ask questions for clarification. Be approachable to all the children equally. Whatever reaction may come, Navodaya Guru should not break his calmness and keep discharging positive energy filling all with hopes. He should talk for moving towards making equal society and for that accept positive discrimination in good faith for well being of overall society. He should emphathise with the pain through which people are going and without disturbing his own inner peace he should disseminate positive of hard work and positive thought will cure all the problems.

Navodaya Guru is also a concept to get connected with people in their neighbourhood. He should also visit schools whenever he is going to his native place and develop cordial relation with teachers. He should also motivate others to do the same and help them evolve Navodaya Guru within them.
Navodaya Guru should make children recite Navodaya Geet and motivate them to become Navodayans, dutyful, sensitive to social problems and ready to help others.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Navodaya Shakha

One hour physical, mental and spiritual exercise for overall development of personality. 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

NAVODAYA GEET (नवोदय गीत)

हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती

हम स्वराज की रिचा नवल
भारत की नवलय हों
नव सूर्योदय, नव चंद्रोदय
हमी नवोदय हों।
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती

रंग जाती पद भेद रहित
हम सबका एक भगवान हो
संतान हैं धरती माँ की हम
धरती पूजा स्थान हो
धरती पूजा स्थान हो
पूजा के खिल रहे कमल दल
हम भावजल में हो
सर्वोदय के नव बसंत के, हमीं नवोदय हों
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती

मानव हैं हम हलचल हम
प्रकृति के पावन वेश में।
खिलें फलें हम में संस्कृति
इस अपने भारत देश की
हम हिमगिरि हम नदियाँ हम
सागर की लहरें हों,
जीवन की मंगल माटी के हमीं नवोदय हों
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती

हरी दूधिया क्रांति शांति के
श्रम के बंदनवार हों
भगीरथ हम धरती माँ के
सूरज पहरेदार हों
सूरज पहरेदार हों
सत शिव सुंदर की पहचान
बनाए जग में हम
अन्तरिक्ष के यान ज्ञान के, हमीं नवोदय हों
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती

हम स्वराज की रिचा नवल
भारत की नवलय हों
नव सूर्योदय, नव चंद्रोदय
हमी नवोदय हों।
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती
हम नव युग की नयी भारती, नयी आरती

कवि: पंजाब के महान शिक्षाविद सुरेश चन्द्र वात्स्यायन (दिवंगत 2008) 

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Reservation: Social or Economical

Debate on reservation are becoming violent now with the pressing demand by dominant and comparatively developed castes for reservation in government job under either SC/ST quota or under OBC quota. Demand for reservation by Gurjars in Rajasthan, by Patels in Gujarat and by Jat in Haryana has triggered the idea of reservation on economic ground rather than on the basis of caste background. 

There are many bitter truths which have potential to provoke a large masses to come on road and block the lifeline of cities. There prevails acute poverty even among the so called developed castes. The poor of the so called upper caste identify themselves with other so called castes for availing economic gain. But it is also bitter truth the even the poorest of the poorest person of those castes see the members of so called lower castes with superiority in terms of social status.
Secondly there is reservation in selection of grooms on caste line which has further consolidates caste associations and become instrumental in affecting economic status of the caste fellows. The first criteria for arrange marriage is that boy and girl should should be in the same caste and then only other economic positions are taken care of.
Religion has already sanctioned reservation. It is now a established fact that not only Brahmins but others may also can read and understand the tenets of Vedas and hence can become priest in temples. But until and unless revered Shankaracharya or other well established Sant will advocated these things, common masses will not accept the priesthood of other caste. When a Brahmin learn the skills of carpentary and start working, people only looks for quality of product and accept their services, but in case of priesthood the divinity could only be aquired by birth. This myth could be broken by the proclamation of Sant Shiromani only.
Demand of reservation based on economic condition only is a conspiracy. Scholarship is the solution of poverty. 
Yes there is need of coming up with policy so that reservation will penetrate to the lower strata of the already defined backward castes. There is again need of developing infrastructure so that reservation would become irrelevant.
Good thing will be achieved only by good intention and with aim of making a homogenious Indian Society.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Subhash Chandra Bose

Navodaya Mission celebrated Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti by offering flowers and remembering his heroic deeds for achieving independence of our mother land. A rally was organized from Rihand Nagar to ShantiNagar, in which children kept shouting bold slogans till the rally ends. His name automatically fills one heart and mind with boldness. On the very next day a cultural program was organized by children of Navodaya Mission. On this occasion Hare Ram Singh, AGM (NTPC Ltd.) and President of Navodaya Mission Rihand delivered a lecture and told students to take learning from the life of Subhash Bose. Alok Dubey, Yogendra Kumar, Koushal Sharma, Upendra Mishra briefed and remembered inspiring stories of Subhash Bose.

There is great debate in society about his role in the independence struggle in counter with Mahatma Gandhi. He himself has great respect for Gandhiji, Nehruji as reflected by his naming of his troups/battalions. Leaders have different niche and they all have contributed for freedom of our Mother Land and so they all should be given respect with same spirit. There are thousands of people who died for this cause unknowingly. Actions of all leaders were complimentary with each other and their unified action brought freedom. 
Whole British era could be seen as period of intellectual advancement and also period of political turmoil moving towards unification of whole India. Freedom could  have been achieved only through violence and military campaign is mere an intellectual and political articulation. In the early phase, intellectuals of whole country came together, followed by participation of masses under Gandhiji and finally gaining of sympathy of Army by the activities of Azad Hind Fauj. Many revolutionary activities kept rising in the country.

Thursday, 21 January 2016


Navodayans are made by active participation in Navodaya Shakha, by organizing regular Navodaya Sabha, by being part of social work and becoming Navodaya Guru, one will prove himself as Navodayans and will be instrumental in making more Navodayans. For being Navodayans one have to:

  • Understand Society
  • Educate
  • Establish Social Justice
  • Aware common people
  • Empower women
  • Voice to Voiceless
  • Serve to the nation

Instrument: Navodaya Shakha, Navodaya Sabha, Navodaya Guru

Navodaya Guru

This is a new concept to define a sort of social reformers. He has desire to inculcate scientific temperament among the society. By delivering motivational lectures in Government schools it want to make people at grassroots to be aware about democracy, social reform, government policy, climate change, protection of environment, maintaining social harmony and bringing hope among the poor and keep fire of doing something great burning among youth.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Who endeavour to see sweat?
The sweat which they,
Shallow in the day light,
And in the night dream.

Who’s eyes spark?
On their beneath breathe,
The metallic mind,
Which shattered by the shadow of own.

Work day work night,
But what they find,
The dim dazzle,
In their shelter.
Accumulation of their
Spend in an hour
Cry in the wilderness
When Children in pain

Let’s you and I,
Stand for them,
For metamorphosis,
Their life from Perdition to Paradise
Hell for leather,
For their welfare
You and I,
You and I.

Written by: Richa Smriti (Director, Navodaya Mission)