As this village is very backward and small bricks-homes are being now built and some shops are there, there is no requirement of community toilet at this point of time. Again there is school in front of this community which also have some toilets built for girls and boys, which might have used by visitors. Anyway the toilet remains unused. This is also one of the best, well designed structure in this particular village.
During my college days, members of GRA at IIT Bombay used to share story of toilet built by a minister in a village. Once a minister landed from flight at random in a village, early in the morning. There he found some people walking with lota (container for water). Amazingly he asked about this and he was revealed that those people were going for morning relieve. Thinking of such a pathetic scenario, he immediately facilitated building of toilets for each home. After one year, he once again came in the village and saw the same scene of people going for morning relieve in the open. Angered he remarked these foolish people are accustomed to live like this. Then some villagers told him there is dearth of water in the village and these toilets require lots of water for remaining cleaned. During rainy season, their cattle find no place to hide and hence they are using these toilets are being used as cattle room.
Such thing was not expected from Modi Government. Anyway janandolan for cleanliness led our honorable PM gave way to erection of this temple of cleanliness in the village. Hope in future may be five to ten years down the line these structure will have utility for the village. This village also lacks enough water for irrigation.